沈阳凯文数据恢复中心 服务器数据恢复 各类数据库修复 小型机数据恢复 13386848847 024-31065488 地址:沈阳市和平区三好街同方广场A座10楼1012写字间


   一些Lotus Notes® 7.x 客户端突然无法连接到Lotus® Domino® server,尽管您重新安装并配置客户端时,这些客户端可以连接到服务器并完成配置。您可能会看到类似下面的错误:"Unable to find path to server. To trace this connection, use File - Preferences - User Preferences - Ports - Trace (Notes client) or Trace command (Domino server)""The remote server is not a known TCP/IP host.""The TCP/IP protocol stack reported that it ran out of memory. Consult your network documentation to increase configured memory, or reduce Notes connections by limiting clients (see SERVER_MAXSESSIONS parameter in Notes Admin Guide)."