新版本 PC-3000 Express/UDMA-E/Portable Ver. 6.4.14
The following English, Japanese and Chinese software updates for PC-3000 and Data Extractor are released today:
PC-3000 Express/UDMA-E/Portable Ver. 6.4.14
Data Extractor Ver. 5.7.7
Data Extractor RAID Edition Ver. 5.7.7
PC-3000 SSD Ver. 2.5.8
The PC-3000 Software Updates ensure that your tools always keep pace with the latest advances. Recent versions of PC-3000, Data Extractor and PC-3000 SSD bring a variety of enhancements, including new modes and features, a wider range of supported drives and processes to be run in the background, and much more!
WD Marvell
The “Upload Dir into HDD RAM” for active utility action in DE has been added;
The uploading of the module 02 has been added in “Upload Dir into HDD RAM” mode;
Quick access toolbar has been changed, it now updates at any Dir reading. If the Dir has not been read, an access to copies 0,1 is enabled.
The size of ROM image has been corrected, the hanging during the utility start for 7220ALA3, HUA7220ALA3, 7210CLA3, HUA7220CLA3,5C10CLA3 families has been fixed;
The ROM size has been corrected to 256k for 7220ALA3, HUA7220ALA3, 7210CLA3, HUA7220CLA3, 5C10CLA3 drive families.
Data Extractor
A new format of DE_Storage data image has been added. This format uses compressing procedure for data, HASH sum and check sum. New format is fast and compact;
Significantly optimized and accelerated (x10 times) report building procedure based on marked files and folders settings;
A lot of different processes can now be run in the background.
VMFS file system
Added initial support of VMFS 6;
Added a new method of file systems structure analysis.
UFS1(2) file system
Added support of Big Endian — representing numbers in metadata.
Data Extractor RAID Edition
A new method to auto detect the “Unknown” blocks in matrix for the whole table has been added;
New ability to run a RAW recovery in the background for all RAID members has been added.
PC-3000 SSD
New family of Phison PS3110 controllers is available now in support list of PC-3000 SSD.
New family of Toshiba TC58NC1000 controllers is available now in support list of PC-3000 SSD!
WD Marvell
The “Upload Dir into HDD RAM” for active utility action in DE has been added;
The uploading of the module 02 has been added in “Upload Dir into HDD RAM” mode;
Quick access toolbar has been changed, it now updates at any Dir reading. If the Dir has not been read, an access to copies 0,1 is enabled;
Added the support of modules with preset size in sectors and bytes (previously in bytes only) in ROM and ROM modules extraction parsing algorithm;
Fixed “No SATA connection” error during the HDD restart when initiated by the “Restart” command;
Partially marked microzones in “Zones and heads inactivation” mode are now highlighted;
Added the possibility to verify sector-by-sector module writing;
Improved the popup dialog of hiding the defect after a logical scan;
The possibility to block the SA access when writing commands in Boot ROM mode;
The search for predefined marks in “Zones and heads inactivation” mode has been added;
The utility status bar has been improved, an indication of the last techno error has been added.
The size of ROM image has been corrected, the hanging during the utility start for 7220ALA3, HUA7220ALA3, 7210CLA3, HUA7220CLA3,5C10CLA3 families has been fixed;
The ROM size has been corrected to 256k for 7220ALA3, HUA7220ALA3, 7210CLA3, HUA7220CLA3, 5C10CLA3 drive families.
Password removing has been adapted for PC USB Terminal III (MHT – MJA).
PC-3000 Kernel
The “View” menu and an the opportunity to place the “Tools” menu modes in two panels have been added;
An option to set up the placement of mode tabs in utility window has been added.
PC-3000 Tools
Search in profiles now includes the search in expelled ones;
Profiles list synchronization procedure has been optimized for PC-3000 processes;
Markers highlighting has been added to HEX editor;
Mode for replacing values has been added to HEX editor.
Data Extractor
A new format of DE_Storage data image has been added. This format uses compressing procedure for data, HASH sum and check sum. New format is fast and compact;
New GREP search mode with UNICODE support has been added (supports Win7+);
New method to export only marked files and folders into the report has been added (for DEViewer);
Support for WFS0.x file system has been added;
Highly accelerated operations with maps (union, intersection, etc.);
Significantly optimized and accelerated (more than 10 times) submap building process based on legend and heads map settings;
Significantly optimized and accelerated (x10 times) report building procedure based on marked files and folders settings;
Work with attributes map and heads process has been optimized;
An option to use Virtual machines has been added;
The request option to unmark on saving the files has been disabled in the Data Extractor settings;
Chains map mechanism has been updated (now the scroll option behaves properly);
Support of special map (sq3 format) has been added into multi-pass reading mode;
List of devices automatic refresh process on the Task creating stage is now optional and has a dedicated "refresh" button;
Internal drives in Source/destination devices of DE task settings now have physical number and Partition latter (if assigned);
S/N number for USB-drive receiver has been added to the Data Extractor task info;
Hot-keys for first sector and file opening procedures has been changed;
The order of file and folder saving has been changed. The process saves a subdirectory while the subdirectory content is being extracted.
A lot of different processes can now be run in the background:
A process of copy creating;
A process of copy creating by the map;
Saving files, log-file has been made separately for different process (for simultaneously running common and background processes);
Analysis of NTFS, FAT, ExFAT, XFS, UFS, HFS+, ReiserFS;
Scan of MFT table;
Search and (or) analysis of file systems structures;
GREP search;
RAW recovery;
Snapshots using legend and heads map became available for Encrypted drives.
RAW recovery
Added a method of deleting results with recalculate size of remaining files;
Added new fields for export in CSV format ('name'; creation, renew and access dates);
Added the display of a drive name.
NTFS File System
“Structure analyses” method and other related methods of analysis have been improved;
Added using @bitmap file to determine partition size after creating virtual partition from RAW recovery results (by MFT regions containing 0 record).
VMFS file system
Added initial support of VMFS 6;
Added a new method of file systems structure analysis.
UFS1(2) file system
Added support of Big Endian — representing numbers in metadata;
Added support of SPARSED – files;
Fixed error that occurred with 2 TB and more partitions.
EXT2/3 File system
Added support of SPARSED – files.
FAT File System
Enhanced algorithm of partition analysis;
Improvements and bug fixes.
XFS File System
Fixed error that occurred when some folders are opened.
HFS+ File System
The partition analysis has been improved. HardLinks are supported now.
Data Extractor RAID Edition
A new method to auto detect the “Unknown” blocks in matrix for the whole table has been added;
Options for candidate search in interactive parameters detection has been added (searching in possible blocks, possible strings, within the whole table);
New mode for simultaneous statistics display of all RAID members has been added (you can run this mode in RAID creation window);
New ability to run a RAW recovery in the background for all RAID members has been added (you can run this mode in RAID creation window).
PC-3000 SSD
New family of Phison PS3110 controllers is available now in support list of PC-3000 SSD! Officially supported models:
Smartbuy Revival
Smartbuy Firestone
Smartbuy Ignition 4
Patriot Blast
Kingston SSDNow UV300
Kingston SSDNow KC400
Kingston HyperX Savage
All other PS3110-based SSD!
The algorithm of translator building for PS3109 drives in case of 2 LUNs per chip has been added;
The algorithm of translator building for PS3109 drives in case when the dump of each of the chips is a separate logical element has been added.
New family of Toshiba TC58NC1000 controllers is available now in support list of PC-3000 SSD! Officially supported models:
OCZ (Toshiba) Trion 100
OCZ (Toshiba) Trion 150
Toshiba Q300
Samsung SSD
SSD selection for the controller in the PC-3000 menu has been added;
Changes and improvements in Samsung Utility Interface;
Confirmation settings have been added;
Changes in dialog boxes in the editor of defects window;
The status bar view has been unified with other PC-3000 utilities.
Silicon Motion
Repairing functions have been added for SM2246XT based drives;
Repairing functions have been added for SM2246EN based drives;
Repairing functions have been added for SM2256K based drives;
Algorithm of translator building for SM2246XT controller based drives has been improved.
All authorized technical support users will get the latest software versions.
Please contact us to learn more on how to become an authorised technical support user and receive all the recent PC-3000 Software Updates.